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Data entry jobs eating your bandwidth? Are you sick of immutable PDFs, or copying and pasting tabular data from files? You are not alone. This is a problem faced by many. 

In today’s digital age, powered by AI, data is often locked away in PDF files. These documents, while excellent for preserving the format and integrity of the content, can be challenging when you need to extract data from them, particularly tables. 

Extracting tables from PDFs is a frequent requirement for data-driven businesses of today to transform their decision-making workflows and for driving impact. Whether you're analysing healthcare bills, financial reports, research papers, tax forms, invoices or any other data-heavy document for that matter, the ability to efficiently extract tables into an accessible format can save time and increase productivity. 

It is not as easy as it sounds though. This process presents multiple challenges, especially when dealing with large volumes. PDF files have varying levels of protection which renders them unsearchable and non-modifiable, which means you cannot simply copy and paste the tables. 

In this blog, we will explore the challenges associated with extracting tables from PDFs and the best methods to tackle this task effectively. Before we dive into the article, let us take a quick look at a summary of all the methods we will be discussing:

Method Summary Key Benefit
1. MS-Excel for PDF Table Extraction Using Excel's built-in feature to extract tables from PDFs. Easy to use for simple tables.
2. Online Converters Uploading PDFs to online tools to extract tables. Quick and accessible with no installation.
3. Camelot (Python Library) Using Camelot, a Python library programmatically for extracting complex tables from PDFs. Handles multi-page and complex tables effectively.
4. Tabula (Java-based Tool) Leveraging Tabula, a Java-based tool with a Python wrapper programmatically for extracting tables. Good accuracy for structured PDFs.
5. Large Language Models (LLMs) Utilizing GPT-4, via UI and API to extract tables from PDFs. Highly accurate and context-aware extraction.
6. AI-based IDP Tools Leverages Intelligent Document Processing tools like Nanonets for table extraction. Fully automated, scalable, and secure.

Challenges in Table Extraction from PDFs

PDFs are immutable which means they cannot be modified or searched for specific data points. This renders the age-old trusty method of simply copying and pasting tables useless, even without taking into account its inefficiency.

But that’s barely scratching the surface when it comes to challenges of handling tabular data extraction from PDFs. So what are these challenges? Let’s take a look: 

1. Split tables across pages

Tables spanning multiple pages often have repeated headers or misaligned columns, making it difficult to reconstruct the complete table structure and maintain data integrity during extraction. 

Financial statements like balance sheets, cash flow statements, or even individual bank statements often have this problem of multiple tables that are occasionally split across pages, making it challenging to reconstruct complete financial data for investment analysis.

2. Inconsistent cell formatting

Varying font styles, sizes, and colours within a single table can be confusing leading to misinterpretation of data hierarchies and relationships between cells. 

Legal contracts, especially in real estate, often use varied formatting for clauses and sub-clauses within tables, hindering automated extraction of key terms and conditions for contract management systems.

3. Non-standard table structures

PDFs may contain nested tables, merged cells, or footnotes that can be challenging when it comes to correctly identifing table boundaries and cell contents. 

For instance, technical product catalogs across industries often use unconventional table layouts with hierarchical groupings, icons, and multi-line descriptions, challenging automated systems to correctly parse specifications, pricing, and inventory data for e-commerce platforms or procurement systems.

4. Background patterns and watermarks

Decorative elements or security features like watermarks can interfere with table detection and text recognition, resulting in incomplete or inaccurate data extraction. 

Bank statements and financial records often include security watermarks that interfere with OCR accuracy, complicating the extraction of transaction data for personal finance management tools or auditing processes.

Besides these common challenges, poor scan quality in scanned PDFs or data that isn’t explicitly delineated into rows and columns can also present additional roadblocks.

Now that we have an understanding of the various challenges associated with extracting tables from PDFs, let us look at a few methods of how we can extract them efficiently.

Best Methods of Table Extraction from PDFs

When it comes to extracting tables from PDFs, there are several methods available, each with its own advantages and use cases. We will be looking at the six best methods for conversion in detail in this section.

1. Using MS-Excel for PDF Table Extraction

Microsoft Excel is an accessible tool that many professionals are already familiar with. Excel’s recent versions offer a built-in feature to import data from PDFs. Here’s how you can use it to extract tables from a PDF:

Step 1: Navigate to the “Data” tab in an Excel Workbook.

Step 2: Select “Get Data,” then choose “From File” > “From PDF”.

Step 3: Excel will analyse the document and let you select which table to import.

This feature works well for simple tables but may struggle with complex layouts.

Using MS-Excel's Get Data feature to extract tables from PDFs
Using MS-Excel's Get Data feature to extract tables from PDFs

1. Easy to use and accessible to most users.
2. Ideal for simple tables or when quick extraction is needed.

1. Limited control over the extraction process.
2. Formatting issues may occur with split tables or complex tables.

2. Using Online Converters for PDF Table Extraction

Online converters are another quick and easy option for extracting tables from PDFs. These tools, such as Smallpdf, PDF2Go, and PDFTables, allow you to upload a PDF and download the extracted table in Excel or CSV format. We will not cover all these tools in this section, but look at a general process one can follow for conversion. It is illustrated below with an example image.

Step 1: Visit the online converter’s website (example,

Step 2: Upload the PDF containing the table

Step 3: Select the output format (Excel or CSV)

Step 4: Download the converted file

Extracting tables from PDFs using online converters
Extracting tables from PDFs using online converters

1. No installation required; accessible from any device with an internet connection.
2. Some converters offer free usage for small files.

1. Limited usage on free plans.
2. May not be secure for sensitive data, as you’re uploading files to a third-party server.
3. Quality of extraction varies; complex tables may not convert well.

3. Using Camelot (Python Library) for PDF Table Extraction

Another method we can try to extract PDF tables is using Camelot, which is a Python library. We will break down the code into snippets and provide a detailed explanation for each part. Finally, we will also provide a unified code with a `main` function that can be downloaded.

Step 1: Install Necessary Packages

Before starting, you need to install Camelot and Excalibur if they aren't already installed. 

pip install camelot-py[cv] excalibur-py

Step 2: Import Necessary Libraries

First, import the necessary libraries that will be used for PDF extraction as well as manipulating tabular data.

import camelot
import pandas as pd

Step 3: Extract Tables from the PDF Using Camelot

Camelot is a Python library that makes it easy to extract tables from PDF files. You can choose between two extraction flavours: `stream` and `lattice`. Here, we'll use `lattice` because it works well with tables that have clearly defined lines.

def extract_tables_from_pdf(pdf_path):

    # Read the PDF file and extract tables using Camelot
    tables = camelot.read_pdf(pdf_path, pages='all', flavor='lattice')
    # Checking if tables were extracted successfully
    if tables:
        print(f"Found {tables.n} tables in the PDF.")
        print("No tables found in the PDF.")
    return tables

Step 4: Display extracted tables

The display_tables function iterates over the extracted tables and prints each one to the console using pandasDataFrame's to_string method for better formatting.

def display_tables(tables):
    Displays the extracted tables in the console.

        tables (camelot.core.TableList): A list of tables extracted by Camelot.
    for i, table in enumerate(tables):
        print(f"\nTable {i + 1}:")

Unified Code:

Now, let's combine the code snippets into a single script with a main function that handles the entire process from reading a PDF to displaying the tables.

Run the script with your PDF file path specified in the `pdf_path` variable. This script will extract all tables from the PDF.


1. Python Integration: Camelot is a Python library, which means it integrates seamlessly with other Python data manipulation tools like pandas. This allows for automated and programmatically controlled workflows.
2. Two Extraction Methods (Flavours): Camelot offers two different methods for extracting tables—lattice (for tables with visible lines) and stream (for tables without visible lines). This makes it versatile for handling various table formats.
3. Handles Complex Tables: Camelot can effectively handle multi-page PDFs and tables with complex structures, including those with merged cells, multiple headers, or different column widths.
4. Output Flexibility: It provides outputs in multiple formats, including CSV, JSON, and pandas DataFrames, making it easy for conversion and manipulation.
5. Open Source: Camelot is open-source, meaning it's free to use and has an active community for support and development.


1. Installation Dependencies: Requires dependencies like Ghostscript and Tkinter, which can be cumbersome to install and configure, especially on non-Linux systems.
2. Accuracy Depends on Table Structure: Camelot's extraction accuracy heavily depends on the PDF’s table formatting. It may struggle with poorly formatted tables or those with minimal or inconsistent borders.
3. Performance: Camelot can be slower compared to some other tools when processing large PDFs or extracting multiple tables.
4. Limited Support for Scanned PDFs: Camelot does not natively support OCR (Optical Character Recognition). For scanned PDFs, an OCR tool must be used in conjunction with Camelot, which adds another layer of complexity.

4. Using Tabula (Java-based tool with a Python wrapper) for PDF Table Extraction

Tabula is another popular tool for extracting tables from PDFs. Unlike Camelot, Tabula is a Java-based tool, but it can still be integrated with Python using the `tabula-py` library, which provides a Python wrapper around Tabula. We will break down the process into detailed steps and provide a unified code with a `main` function that can be downloaded.

Step 1: Install Necessary Packages

Before starting, you need to install `tabula-py` and `pandas` if they aren't already installed. You should also have Java installed on your system since Tabula is a Java-based tool.

pip install tabula-py pandas

Step 2: Import Necessary Libraries

First, import the necessary libraries that will be used for PDF extraction and Excel writing.

import tabula
import pandas as pd

Step 3: Extract Tables from the PDF Using Tabula

Tabula is a tool designed specifically for extracting tables from PDFs. It can work in both GUI and command-line modes. When using it in Python, you can use `tabula.read_pdf()` to extract tables. 

Here’s how you can extract tables from a PDF using Tabula:

def extract_tables_from_pdf(pdf_path):

    Extracts tables from a PDF file using Tabula.
        pdf_path (str): The file path of the PDF.
        tables (list of pandas.DataFrame): A list of DataFrames extracted by Tabula.
    # Read the PDF file and extract tables using Tabula
    tables = tabula.read_pdf(pdf_path, pages='all', multiple_tables=True)
    # Checking if tables were extracted successfully
    if tables:
        print(f"Found {len(tables)} tables in the PDF.")
        print("No tables found in the PDF.")
    return tables

Step 4: Display the extracted tables

The display_tables function iterates over the list of DataFrames and prints each one to the console using the to_stringmethod for a readable tabular format.

def display_tables(tables):
    Displays the extracted tables in the console.

        tables (list of pandas.DataFrame): A list of DataFrames extracted by Tabula.
    for i, table in enumerate(tables):
        print(f"\nTable {i + 1}:")

If needed, pandas DataFrames can be converted to formats like, Excel, CSV or JSON for manipulation and processing.

Unified Code:

Now, let's combine the code snippets into a single script with a main function that handles the entire process from reading a PDF to extracting and displaying tables from it.

Run the script with your PDF file path specified in the `pdf_path` variable. This script will extract all tables from the PDF and display them.


1. Java-Based Tool: Tabula works across different operating systems because it is Java-based. It does not require complex installations or dependencies.
2. Supports Multiple Table Extraction: It can extract multiple tables from a single page and handle multi-page PDFs effectively.
3. Simple Command-Line and GUI: Tabula provides both a command-line interface and a GUI, making it accessible for both programmers and non-programmers.
4. Good Accuracy for Structured PDFs: Tabula is effective at extracting tables from PDFs that are well-structured with clear lines and borders.
5. Python Integration via tabula-py: Tabula can be easily integrated with Python using the `tabula-py` wrapper, allowing for automated workflows.


1. Requires Java Installation: Since Tabula is Java-based, you must have Java installed on your system, which can be an additional step for some users.
2. Limited to Tabular Data: Tabula is specifically designed for table extraction. It does not handle text extraction or other PDF content types effectively.
3. Less Effective for Scanned PDFs: Like Camelot, Tabula struggles with scanned PDFs without OCR. You need an additional OCR tool to convert scanned images to text before extraction.
4. Performance on Large PDFs: Tabula can become slow or memory-intensive when processing very large PDFs or PDFs with many pages and tables.
5. Less Control Over Table Detection: Compared to some other tools, Tabula may have less granular control over how tables are detected, especially if the table structure is not clear.

5. Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for PDF Table Extraction

While Python-based tools such as Camelot and Tabula can be effective for extracting tables from PDFs, they require coding skills and are often limited in their scalability and flexibility. An alternative approach that leverages more advanced technology involves using Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform these tasks.

We will focus on using GPT-4 in two different methods:

  1. Using the GPT UI
  2. Using the GPT API

Method 1: Using the User Interface

For this method, we will utilise GPT-4's user interface to convert a PDF document containing tables into an Excel spreadsheet. This method is ideal for users who prefer a more straightforward, no-code solution.

Step 1: Visit the GPT-4 user interface at []( and log into your account.

Step 2: In the prompt section, upload the PDF file you want to convert and type a specific prompt to guide GPT-4 in extracting the tables.

Example Prompts:

Prompt 1:

"Can you extract all tables from this PDF and convert them to an Excel sheet?"

Method 2: Using the GPT API

For a more automated and scalable solution, you can use the GPT API to extract data from a PDF programmatically.

Step 1: Install the necessary libraries, including `openai` for interacting with the GPT API, `PyPDF2` for PDF extraction, and `pandas` for handling Excel operations.

pip install openai PyPDF2 pandas

Step 2: We’ll use PyPDF2 to extract the text from each page of the PDF. This extracted text will be processed to identify and extract tables.

import PyPDF2

def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path):
    Extracts text from a PDF file using PyPDF2.
        pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file.
        str: The extracted text content.
    with open(pdf_path, 'rb') as file:
        reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file)
        text = ""
        for page in reader.pages:
            text += page.extract_text()
    return text

Step 3: Create a detailed prompt instructing GPT-4 to identify and extract tables from the provided text. The tables will be returned as structured text (e.g., CSV-like format).

import openai

def extract_tables_from_text(text):
    Extracts tables from the provided text using GPT-4.
        text (str): The extracted text content.
        str: The extracted tables in text format.
    prompt = (
        "Please extract all tables from the following text. "
        "Format them as CSV-like structures with columns and rows clearly defined:\n\n"
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()

Step 4: Once the tables are extracted using GPT-4, they can be displayed, processed, or saved for further use.

def display_extracted_tables(extracted_tables):
    Displays the extracted tables.
        extracted_tables (str): The extracted tables in text format.
    print("Extracted Tables:")

Unified Code:

Needless to say, you will need to replace "your_openai_api_key" with an actual value. Post that, you can run the script to parse tables from PDFs using GPT API.


1. Highly Accurate and Context-Aware: LLMs like GPT-4 can understand complex instructions and provide more accurate data extraction from PDFs with varied formats.
2. No-Code and Low-Code Options: Using the user interface requires no coding skills, and even the API method involves minimal coding, making it accessible for non-programmers.
3. Scalability: The API-based approach allows for scaling the extraction process across multiple documents and formats.


1. Complex Prompt Engineering: Crafting effective prompts can be challenging and might require several iterations to achieve the desired results.
2. Cost: Depending on usage, API calls to GPT-4 can incur costs, which might not be ideal for all users.
3. Output Reliability: The quality of the output depends on the prompt and model's interpretation, which might not always meet expectations.
4. Limited Control Over Extraction: Unlike traditional programming methods, using GPT-4 gives less direct control over how data is extracted and formatted.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage LLMs to automate the process of extracting tables from PDFs and converting them into a CSV-like format which can be directly displayed or converted into other desirable formats. This process offers a modern alternative to traditional programming approaches.

6. Using AI-based IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) tools for PDF Table extraction

PDF table to CSV using IDPs
PDF table to CSV using IDPs

Until now, we have looked at 5 different methods of extracting tabular data from PDFs to Excel. All of them present unique challenges.

The final approach that acts as the ultimate solution for building a scalable, robust process for converting tabular data from PDFs to a more accessible format is leveraging Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) tools.

They have OCR functionality built-in which means they are adept at recognising complex tabular structures, whether multiple tables of varied formats split across pages or nested tables with multiple line items.

They have advanced algorithms powered by generative-AI which can handle inconsistent cell formatting. What is more is that they offer post-processing options where you can perform formatting operations, such as, adding/removing characters, looking up against external tables or databases, in-app.

Not just that, they completely automate end-to-end workflows, including, importing PDF files, extracting tables, post-processing as discussed above, approval routing to verify accuracy and finally exporting to other software, all in one application.

We will be looking at one-such tool today, Nanonets, which provides a one-size-fits-all solution for handling the most complex tabular PDFs.

Extracting tables from PDFs with Nanonets
Extracting tables from PDFs with Nanonets

So, how do I get started?

Step 1: Visit Sign up and log into your account.

Step 2: Click on “New Workflow” on the left panel and select “Pre-trained Tables Extractor.”

Step 3: Upload your PDF files and allow some time for processing.

Step 4: Once processed, you can click on the file to review the extracted data. Once satisfied, go back to the File Upload Screen, select the file and click on the “Download Extracted Data” button at the lower left corner of your screen. You can select the desired format in advanced settings on the dialog box that appears.

Data extraction from Tables using IDPs such as Nanonets
Data extraction from Tables using IDPs such as Nanonets

1. Fully automated, no-code solution for extracting tables from PDFs.
2. Supports structured extraction for complex tables, including custom column headers, split tables or nested tables with multiple line-items.
3. Compatible with both scanned and digital PDFs.
4. Provides post-processing formatting options, including lookup against external sources and adding rows or columns based on the lookup.
5. Provides approval steps where a human can verify the accuracy of extraction.
6. Provides full control over output with pre-configured Excel and database mapping features.